HCV Frequently Asked Questions: Tenants
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program (formerly known as Section 8) provides assistance to very low-income individuals and families to enable them to afford decent, safe and sanitary housing in the private rental market. For information regarding the local policies that govern the HCV program, please click here to see the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Administrative Plan, Five-Year Plan, Annual Update and other related financial documents.
• Affordable Housing Units provides rental assistance through 431 units of low cost housing, 48 multi family and 47 disabled/senior units that YCH owns and operates in the communities of Woodland, Winters, West Sacramento, Knights Landing, Esparto and Yolo, including 7 units of year round agricultural housing in Davis.
• Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program assists very low-income families to afford decent, safe, and affordable housing in the private market. Participants find their own housing and the amount of voucher assistance is determined by a number of factors.
• Agricultural Housing program provides decent, safe and sanitary temporary housing to legal migrant farm workers during the County’s growing season in Davis and Madison. YCH staff provides the management of the Dixon Migrant Center through the Dixon Housing Authority.
There are many families waiting to move into affordable housing programs. The Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) waiting list is currently closed, and notifications will be publicly posted when it is open. Sites are located in Woodland, Winters, West Sacramento, Esparto, Knights Landing and Yolo. Additionally, seasonal agricultural worker housing in Davis, Madison and Dixon (on behalf of the Dixon Housing Authority) may be applied for at each migrant site during the open season (April – October), or at the YCH administration office in Woodland.
Annual income is the anticipated total money and benefit income received by the family head and spouse and by any adult member of the Household (excluding caregiver). It also includes income derived from assets (including those of minors). It is calculated for the twelvemonth period following the effective date of certification. There are some income exclusions that may apply on an individual basis.
Rent is calculated according to federal regulations. It must be recalculated annually and any time income or family size changes. YCH uses a formula to calculate the family’s portion of the rent. Each family’s calculation includes allowed deductions to determine the tenant rent. For the voucher program, the payment standard is a percentage of the HUD-approved Fair Market Rents for the area based on the family’s applicable bedroom size (two persons per bedroom except when a reasonable accommodation is approved). For public rental housing, rent is based on 30% of income.
Any change in income or family composition must be reported to YCH in writing within 15 days. Income change forms are available from
your Housing Specialist or at the front desk of any YCH office.
YCH is required by federal regulation to review each tenant’s income and family size at least once per year. This is done to assure that
the right amount of rent is being paid based on actual income and that the home is the right size for the family.
It is YCH’s foremost goal to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing at affordable costs. These standards help protect your family
by assuring a basic level of acceptable housing. The standards must be maintained for the duration of the lease therefore; annual
inspections are required.
HCV Frequently Asked Questions: Landlords
The Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) formerly known as Section 8 assists very low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing. Yolo County Housing (YCH) provides Housing Choice Vouchers to all Yolo County Residents, including all unincorporated cities in the county.
Interested In Becoming A New Landlord?
For more information on the Housing Choice Voucher Program, please contact Lease and Rental Coordinator, Kristin Barron at 530.669.2237 | kbarron@ych.ca.gov | or visit our office at 147 W Main Street Woodland, CA 95695. Office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8am to 5pm.
Who are Housing Choice Voucher holders?
Housing Choice Voucher holders qualify as low income. They are members of our community, and many are working families. Voucher holders come from many backgrounds. A voucher holder can be:
- The senior citizen living on social security
- A grocery store clerk
- A single mother with one income or pursuing higher education
- The two-parent family who is surviving paycheck to paycheck
- Your local food service professional
- A homeless veteran looking for housing
Every voucher holder has a different story to share.
How much can I charge for rent?
Rent is based on a calculation that takes several factors into consideration:
The payment standard for the area (See HCV Payment Standards)
- The tenant’s income
- The utility allowance
- Rent comparison to similar units in the local area
It is recommended that you advertise your rental at the rate you desire. All voucher holders are aware of the rent amount that their voucher will cover. You may request to see the applicant’s voucher to ensure that your advertised rent amount will be covered. You cannot increase your requested rental amount should the voucher be able to cover more that your initially advertised rate. If the gross rent amount (Rent + Utility Allowance) is not approved and you still want to rent to the family, you may do so by reducing your rent or changing the utility responsibilities to ensure that the tenant’s portion of rent + the utility allowance is less than 40% of the family’s adjusted annual income. You may request a rental increase after the initial lease term if the increase is reasonable to the local area and does not exceed the payment standard.
How long is the initial term for the lease/contract?
The initial term is one year. After the initial lease/contract has expired, you may request a rent increase, change the utility responsibilities, or choose whether to continue tenancy.
How will I be paid?
Once the contract is executed, all housing assistance payments (HAP) will be paid via ACH, on the first business day of the month. Landlords will be able to manage their ledger through the landlord portal.
The tenant will be responsible for paying their portion of the rent directly to the housing provider, in compliance with the terms of the lease.
- Working with the Voucher Program/Lease Up Process
- List Your Vacant Unit
- HCV Program Income Limits – FMR – Payment Standards
- Utility Allowance Schedules – Duplex, Garden, High-Rise, Mobile Home, Single Family, Townhouse and Medical Equipment Allowances
- Utility Allowance Schedule – Energy Efficient Garden and Medical Equipment Allowances
Landlord Portal
Yolo County Housing offers a Landlord Portal for all landlords participating in the HCV Program. The Landlord portal includes:
- Tenant List- You can view a list of all your current tenants.
- Ledger/Transaction List- You can view a detailed ledger/Transaction List of all Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) made to you.
- Inspections- You can view all upcoming and past inspections, including: failed or passed inspections, items to be corrected and abatement status.
- Upcoming tenant recertifications
New User? Click here to register.
Please contact Aleena Islam, aislam@ych.ca.gov to receive your Registration Key or if you have any questions or concerns.
Forgot Your Username or Password? Click here.
Need to Make Changes to Your Account? Click here for the Owner Changes Form.
Want to Newly Enroll in ACH?
View the Terms & Conditions for Direct Deposit
View the ACH Payment Enrollment Form
All completed forms can be submitted via scan/email to Aleena Islam, aislam@ych.ca.gov, or fax to 530-662-5429, or mailed to YCH, Attn: Aleena Islam, 147 West Main Street, Woodland, CA 95695.
HCV Inspection Information: Tenants & Landlords
Missed Inspections
Should a tenant miss a scheduled inspection, the inspector will send a letter advising them of their new inspection date. The Landlord/Owner will receive a copy. Two missed inspections will result in a proposed termination of subsidy.
Rescheduling An Inspection
All requests to reschedule an inspection must be made directly to the inspector. Requests to reschedule must be made 72 hours prior to the originally scheduled time. Failure to do so will result in a “missed inspection”.
Failed Inspections
Landlords and tenants will be notified of all failed inspections in writing. Failed items that are emergent, must be repaired within 24 hours. All non-emergent items must be repaired within 30 days. Proof of repairs must be emailed to the inspector directly. Depending on the failed items, a secondary inspection might be necessary once repairs are made. Failure to complete repairs, within the timeframe specified will result in a discontinuance of payment to the landlord and the unit will go into abatement. Tenants are not liable for payment not made during the abatement period. If the tenant fails to remedy emergent matters within the same timeframe, they will receive a proposed termination of subsidy.
Inspection Resource Links
HQS Initial Inspection Flow Chart
HQS Biennial Inspection Flow Chart
HQS Inspection Form
HQS Most Common Repair Items
Program Forms
Waitlist Applications are now closed.
Properties with Affordable Rental Housing: View Form
Utility Allowance Schedule – Energy Efficient Garden and Medical Equipment Allowances
Contact Information
Anisa Vallejo, Housing Program Manager, (530) 669-2211, email: avallejo@ych.ca.gov
Veronica Mendoza, Housing Program Supervisor, (530) 669-2226, email: vmendoza@ych.ca.gov
Apply for Housing
- A – GU: Angelica Orozco, (530) 669-2213, email: aorozco@ych.ca.gov
- GV – PA: Beatrice Lopez, (530) 669-2253, email: blopez@ych.ca.gov
PB – Z: Victoria Andrade, (530) 669-2256, email: vandrade@ych.ca.gov
- A – LE: Charlene Cirera, (530) 669-2212, email: ccirera@ych.ca.gov
LF – Z: Jazmin Arauza, (530) 669-2254, email: jarauza@ych.ca.gov
- Steven Flores, (530) 669-2225, email: sflores@ych.ca.gov
Still have questions? Call the Housing Authority’s main office, 8am – 5pm Monday – Thursday, (530) 662-5428, or (916) 444-8982. For TTY, call (800) 545-1833, ext. 626.